The Business
Step up the team, build the business model, define the strategy and decide the metrics.
- Define the team and their responsibilities
- Generate the business model around the product
- Build up a timeline for execution with the main tasks
- Identify the key metrics for the project or business
- Define the sustainable approach for the project or business
What’s key?
- Validate the elements of the Business Model Canvas with the market (experts, partners, etc.)
- Put together a team with the necessary skills and expertise to move the project forward.
- Again, make choices! You might be tempted to include a business plan into your business model. It’s not time yet, conceptualize and visualize how the business is going the work or how the project will be integrated into an existing business.
- Define metrics that matter, according to the type of product, business and industry you are in. Avoid using too many metrics.
Let’s get down to business! But first, it is crucial to put together the dream team that will turn your idea into a reality. Team creation and management are key functions in the implementation of any project or new business. Make sure to concentrate your efforts not only in the definition and selection of the team but also in keeping the team together and committed with the vision.
A Business Model represents the foundation of the business. It tells a story about your business and how you create and deliver value to the market. The Business Model Canvas is a visual representation of how your business will work and what you do. Let’s fill in the template.
There is no business without purpose. What is yours? It is time to explore how your new business or project will contribute to the environment and what is the role it is going to take in the context you operate.
To make a difference, ideas must be transformed into realities. It is time to draw up the plan! The Master Plan will provide you direction and guide your decisions and goal setting. Additionally, it will help you define your road-to-market and the specific actions to take.