The Context
What type of innovator are you? Explore new opportunities.

- Perform a self-diagnosis to explore your role in the innovation process
- Understand and acknowledge context
- Be able to identify problems and opportunities to tackle
What’s key?
- Be open-minded
- Don’t judge
- Research additional information about the context if necessary
You are a key part of your innovation journey. Reflecting on your goals, values, and getting to know yourself from different perspectives will impact positively on the innovation process.
Let’s complete your personal profile. The results will help you evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and know how you can potentially contribute to the new project/business/initiative. It will also provide you with key insights to better collaborate in teams and foster innovative solutions for existing challenges.
Every innovation project needs a starting point: by empathizing with the environment, you will find opportunities to tackle or problems to solve. Let’s have a look at the context.